
Mission M108 Customer Support

Your Mission M108 has the benefit of an unrivalled level of customer support. Our commitment to providing this support adds substantially to the value of your Mission M108. We recognize how important this is.

        Technical Publications
        Spare Parts
        Support Team


Technical Publications 

As a Mission M108 owner, you have free access to our online Technical Publications. A username and password will be required to login to the Technical Publications section. Contact our Support Team for any additional information.

Access Technical Publications - click here

Spare Parts 

Spare parts will occasionally be needed to keep any aircraft airworthy. Availability is essential to minimize aircraft downtime. At Lambert Aircraft Engineering, we maintain sufficient stock levels to enable us to ship more than 90% of the spare parts within 24 hours from receipt of order.
To minimize turnaround times, the form below can be downloaded and used to order spare parts as required. You can save the form on your computer for future use.

Download Spare Parts Form - click here


Support Team 

Our team of Mission M108 specialists will respond to your technical questions and service needs to cover all aspects of your Mission M108. Our goal is provide a high level of support to ensure maximum serviceability of your Mission M108 whenever you want to fly.


    Customers in UK & Ireland:

       Lambert Aircraft Engineering - UK Office

         From UK, call: 03300 500 108
         From Ireland, call: (+44) 3300 500 108

         E-mail: info@lambert-aircraft.com


    All other countries:

       Lambert Aircraft Engineering - Main Office

         Hangar 59, Wevelgem Airfield
         B-8560 Wevelgem

         Tel: (+32) 56 43 16 26
         Fax: (+32) 56 43 16 29

         E-mail: info@lambert-aircraft.com

            Office hours:
               Monday:        9 am - 6 pm
               Tuesday:       9 am - 6 pm
               Wednesday:  9 am - 6 pm
               Thursday:      9 am - 6 pm
               Friday:           9 am - 6 pm